Thursday, August 30, 2012


While in the midst of one of my thrifting adventures, I happened upon a coffee table for $10. As I currently had no coffee table I quickly purchased it. Only one problem... it's really darn ugly.

I knew whatever I did with the coffee table had to be more special than simply painting it, so I searched myself for other ideas. Then it hit me, somewhere along the line, crafts I used to do as a child were popping into my head and I remembered.... decoupage!!! 

What is decoupage?  You take any type of picture, fabric or paper and use it to decorate an object like this....

or this...

or this...

Pretty awesome right? So I'm going to do this on my coffee table. 

It's really easy to do too. First off, you'll need the paper or fabric you want and the furniture etc. you wish to decorate. Then you need a bottle of mod podge and a sponge brush or paint brush, available at any craft store.

Take the mod podge and brush it on the back of your paper or fabric design, making sure to coat it completely, then stick it to your furniture. After you've finished sticking all your designs on, brush the whole thing with mod podge to create a nice finish. Let it dry and you're done!

Here are some other great decoupage projects I found....

So obviously you can be as creative as you want. Have fun and happy decoupaging!

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